how to practice meditation

                                      welcome to 

                                         how to 

                                practice meditation

                            a very simple meditation practice
find a comfortable seat such as a chair with a straight back or a cushion, be prepared to sit for 20 minutes to begin
sit with back straight be comfortable but not so much so you will fall asleep,
think in your head use your head voice to repeat the words "i am love"
each breath is 3 parts in breath(1) pause (2) out breath (3)
the mantra has 3 words       " I "(1) "Am" (2) "Love" (3)
 sit with eyes close and focused on the brow the space between the eyes
now say in your mind "I" and breath in
very briefly pause the breath and say in your mind "AM"
now exhale the breath and say in your mind "LOVE"
repeat this for as long as you can always focused on the space between the eyes and on the breath if thoughts wander in, let them be notice them but return to your task and stay focused on the breath and the mantra the more you do this the easier it will be and the less the thoughts will disrupt your focus
blessings ! stick with it practice this in the morning and again in the evening to open the day and to close out the day

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